Guitar Gurus


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Assignment 3(02/05/2006)

The concept of dribbling was demonstrated. Hold the pick in a slightly angled positon such that the sharp edge of the pick is almost at right angles to the string and strum each string (up-down) at a faster pace. Try concentrating on generating an even sound than building up the pace.

This class had the last of the right had exercises. The exercises were in sets of 3 strings.

1.P1P2P3 S2S3S4 P3P4P5 S4S5S6

2.P6P5P4 S5S4S3 P4P3P2 S3S2S1

3.S1S2S3 P2P3P4 S3S4S5 P4P5P6

4.S6S5S4 P5P4P3 S4S3S2 P3P2P1

5.P1S2P3 S2P3S4 P3S4P5 S4P5S6

6.P6S5P4 S5P4S3 P4S3P2 S3P2S1

7.S1P2S3 P2S3P4 S3P4S5 P4S5P6

8.S6P5S4 P5S4P3 S4P3S2 P3S2P1

This marks the beginning of the left hand exercises

Generic instructions :
  • the left finger-tips are always almost at right angles to the fret board, close and tightly held just before the fret-string
  • the thum supports the fret board and is positioned in between the index and middle fingers
Index finger - I
Middle finger - M
Ring finger - R
Little finger - L

Fret board positions indicated by the number of the fret-section

1. On the 6th string(thinnest) I5-M6-R7-L8 Right hand strumming ->P-S-P-S

Same exercise for all the remaining 5 strings with the 5-6-7-8 and I-M-R-L combinations with P-S-P-S.

As an additonal exercise, try doing a scoop on the lower string while doing theexercise as above.
For e.g. : While doing the exercise on String 5, do the 2 scoops on String 6 to ensure that String 6 is not being touched.


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