Pentatonic Minor Scale
Rule: Root, move 3 semitones, move 2 semitones, move 2 semitones, move 3 semitones
So, for Pentatonic Minor in C
C, D#, F, G, A#
Expressed in Sa-Re-Ga notation, the general pattern of a pentatonic minor scale would be
(where S is the root note)
Pentatonic Major Scale
Rule: Root, move 2 semitones, move 2 semitones, move 3 semitones, move 2 semitones
So, for Pentatonic Major in C
C, D, E, G, A
Expressed in Sa-Re-Ga notation, the general pattern of a pentatonic minor scale would be
S, R2, G2, P, D2, S
(where S is the root note)
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