Major and Minor Scales
Right, so you're very happy now that you know the C-Major? How about getting a little ahead and finding say the F-Minor? A-Major? E-Minor? Not too tough, given that there's a small little Rule that governs the formation of the scale. And guess what, its an EASY rule.
ALL Major scales follow this rule:
Whole Whole Half Whole Whole Whole Half
What is Whole and what is Half you ask? Simple. Go back to the Chromatic Scale. It looks like this right?
C C# D D# | E F F# G | G# A A# B |
That's 12 notes. I've seperated them out so you can read them easily. Each note is said to be seperated from the next one by a Half-Step. So, C and C# are seperated by a half-step. And so it goes...
A Whole Step = 2 Half Steps. How hard was that?
Now that you know all the jargon, use the Major Scale Rule and form whatever scale you want. For e.g. A-Major is
A -Whole Step - B - Whole Step - C# - Half Step - D - Whole Step - E - Whole Step - F# - Whole Step - G# - Half Step - A
OR: A-B-C#-D-E-F#-G#-A
Look here for the Rule to create Minor Scales!
Right, so you're very happy now that you know the C-Major? How about getting a little ahead and finding say the F-Minor? A-Major? E-Minor? Not too tough, given that there's a small little Rule that governs the formation of the scale. And guess what, its an EASY rule.
ALL Major scales follow this rule:
Whole Whole Half Whole Whole Whole Half
What is Whole and what is Half you ask? Simple. Go back to the Chromatic Scale. It looks like this right?
C C# D D# | E F F# G | G# A A# B |
That's 12 notes. I've seperated them out so you can read them easily. Each note is said to be seperated from the next one by a Half-Step. So, C and C# are seperated by a half-step. And so it goes...
A Whole Step = 2 Half Steps. How hard was that?
Now that you know all the jargon, use the Major Scale Rule and form whatever scale you want. For e.g. A-Major is
A -Whole Step - B - Whole Step - C# - Half Step - D - Whole Step - E - Whole Step - F# - Whole Step - G# - Half Step - A
OR: A-B-C#-D-E-F#-G#-A
Look here for the Rule to create Minor Scales!
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