How to plug your guitar into your comp?? Here's how...
Guitar Gurus |
P--> Press: Playing the string downwards or pressing.
S--> Scoop: Playing the string upwards or plucking.
(U)--> UP
1) P(D)(D) in count of 1-6.
2)P(U)(U) in count of 6-1
3) S(U)(U) in count of 6-1.
4)S(D)(D) in count of 1-6
5) P(D)(U) in count of 1-6,6-1.
6) S(U)(D) in count of 1-6,6-1.
7) P(D)S(U) in count of 1-6.
8) S(D)P(U) in count of 1-6.