Guitar Gurus


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

7 modes/scales of Western music

...and since we're desi I've found out the Indian scales (thaat's) that these correspond to.

Ionian [Indian - Bilawal]

Same as Major scale

Rule: 1--1--½--1--1--1--½
Indian notation: S R G m P D N S(higher)

Mixolydian [Indian - Khamaj]

Major with lowered seventh note

Rule: 1--1--½--1--1--½--1
Indian notation: S R G m P D n S(higher)

Lydian [Indian - Kalyan]

Major with raised fourth note

Rule: 1--1--1--½--1--1--½
Indian notation: S R G M P D N S(higher)

Aeolian [Indian - Asavari]

Natural Minor

Rule: 1--½--1--1--½--1--1
Indian notation: S R g m P d n S(higher)

Locrian [No matching thaat]

Natural Minor with lowered 2nd and 5th note

Rule: ½--1--1--½--1--1--1
Indian notation: S r g m M d n S(higher)

Dorian [Indian - Kafi]

Natural Minor with 6th note "raised" i.e. sharpened by a semi-tone

Rule: 1--½--1--1--1--½--1
Indian notation: S R g m P D n S(higher)

Phrygian [Indian - Bhairavi]

Natural Minor with lowered 2nd note

Rule: ½--1--1--1--½--1--1
Indian notation: S r g m P d n S(higher)

Highly recommended article to read on this matter -

You will learn a very important thing. We're not really playing Sa - Re - Ga - Ma accurately. Because our guitars are tuned in the Western way ;-) Indian tuning causes notes to be unequally spaced :-O

For some reason, that is supposed to be a more 'complete' system!

Nice to know fact eh?

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Godfather Theme Music

[G Minor]

P(lower) S g R S g
S R d n(lower) P(lower)

P(lower) S g R S g
S R d n(lower) m(lower)

m(lower) d(lower) N(lower) R
m(lower) d(lower) N(lower) S
S(lower) g(lower) n(lower) d(lower) P(lower) n(lower) d(lower) d(lower) 
P(lower) P(lower) N(lower) S

Original decode by Ravi Ramakanth, on Keyboard.
Transcoded in Indian Notation, by yours truly!

Play and enjoy!

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